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第一条 为了促进国家高新技术产业开发区的建设和发展,根据《中华人民共和国海关法》和国家关于高新技术产业开发区的有关政策规定,特制定本办法。
第二条 本办法适用于经国家批准的高新技术产业开发区[以下简称开发区]内的高新技术企业[以下简称企业]。
第三条 企业应在货物进口以前持下列文件向海关办理注册登记手续:
[一] 由省、自治区、直辖市科委指定的审批部门颁发的高新技术企业证书;
[二] 经批准有权经营进出口贸易的企业,向海关注册登记时还应交验经贸主管部门的批准文件;
[三] 工商营业执照;
[四] 企业的有关资料。
第四条 企业为生产出口产品而进口的原材料、零部件免领进口许可证,海关凭出口合同以及开发区审批部门的批准文件验放,并比照进料加工有关规定办理进出口手续。有条件设立保税工厂、保税仓库的企业,经海关审核批准后按有关规定进行监管。
第五条 企业用于开发区内高新技术开发,进口国内不能生产的仪器、设备,免征进口关税及产品税[增值税]或工商统一税。海关验凭开发区审批部门的批准文件予以审核后办理免税手续。随仪器、设备一同进口的配套零部件,按上款规定办理。在进口上述物资时,属于进口许可证管理的商品,还应向海关交验进口许可证。
第六条 企业进口为拆解、试验用的高技术产品、样品、样机等,海关验凭开发区审批部门的批件并予以审核后免税放行。上述样品、样机不得移作他用或转让、出售。
第七条 企业办理申请免税手续时,应填写免税申请表一式三份[见附件],并交验进口合同副本,经海关审核后,加盖海关免税专用章,一份留存,一份交货主,一份寄送进口地海关,凭以办理海关进口免税手续。
第八条 企业自行生产的产品出口,除国家限制出口或者另有规定者外,免征出口关税。企业从区外收购或代理出口产品,未在区内进行实质性加工并增值百分之二十以上的,照章征收出口关税。
第九条 企业免税进口的仪器、设备只准在本企业内使用,未经批准并办结海关手续,不得擅自运出产业开发区或转让、销售、租赁和移作他用。
第十条 企业进口本办法第四条的保税货物如转为内销,应经原审批部门批准和海关许可,并照章缴纳进口税款;其中属于国家实行进口许可证管理的商品,还应向海关交验进口许可证。
第十一条 开发区内享受进出口优惠待遇的企业,应建立减免税货物的专门帐册,海关有权检查、调阅帐册及有关资料。
第十二条 进出口货物如从开发区以外的口岸进出境,应按海关对转关运输货物的监管办法办理。
第十三条 《中华人民共和国海关对进口减税、免税和保税货物征收海关监管手续费的办法》同样适用于开发区企业进口的减免税货物和保税货物。
第十四条 设在经济特区、沿海开放城市、经济技术开发区的高新技术产业开发区,除按本办法办理外,同时享受所在地区的有关优惠政策。设在高新技术产业开发区的外商投资企业,除按本规定办理外,还应按海关对外商投资企业的有关规定办理。
第十五条 凡违反本办法的,由海关按《中华人民共和国海关法》和其他有关规定处理。
第十六条 本办法由海关总署负责解释。
第十七条 本办法自一九九一年十月一日起施行。

|申请单位| |电话| |编号| |
|序号|货物名称|数量|单位|金额|免税情况|核放情况|备 注|
| 1| | | | | | | |
| 2| | | | | | | |
| 3| | | | | | | |
| 4| | | | | | | |
| 5| | | | | | | |
| 填发海关 | | 核放海关 | |
| 签章 | | 签章 | |
| 日期 | | 日期 | |
|负责人签章 | |负责人签章 | |

Customs Regulations of the People's Republic of China for theControl over Import and Export Goods in National High and New TechnologyIndustry Development Zones

(Promulgated on September 2, 1991 by Decree No. 26 of the CustomsGeneral Administration)

Whole Doc.
Article 1
With a view to promoting the construction and development of the
Development Zones of High and New Technological Industries, these
Regulations are formulated in accordance with the Customs Law of the
People's Republic of China and related policies and regulations of the
State concerning the Development Zones of High and New Technological
Article 2
These Regulations shall be applicable to the high and new
technological enterprises (hereinafter referred to as the enterprises) in
the Development Zones of High and New Technological Industries
(hereinafter referred to as the Development Zones) approved by the
Article 3
Before the importation of the goods, the enterprises shall go through
the registration formalities to the Customs with the following documents:
(1) certificate of the high and new technological enterprise issued
by the verifying department appointed by the science and technology
committee of the province, autonomous region or municipality;
(2) approval document of the competent department of foreign economic
relation and trade for an enterprise having foreign trade right while
registering at the Customs;
(3) business license issued by the industrial and commercial
administration; (4) o her related documents of the enterprise.
Article 4
Raw materials, components and spare parts imported for the production
of the export goods shall be exempted from import licenses, and shall be
released by the Customs against the export contracts and approval
documents of the verifying department of the Development Zones and be
subject to the import and export procedures of inward processing.
Enterprises having conditions of establishing bonded factories and bonded
warehouses shall be supervised according to relevant regulation after the
Customs approval.
Article 5
Instruments and equipment which are unable to be produced
domestically and intended to be used for the development of the high and
new technology of the Development Zones shall be exempted from import
duties, product taxes (VAT) or industrial and commercial consolidated
taxes. The Customs shall deal with the duty- exemption procedures after
verifying the approval documents of the competent departments in the
Development Zones. Spare parts accompanied in the importation of the
instruments and equipment shall be dealt with in accordance with the above
provision. The above-mentioned goods which are subject to import license
control shall also be provided with import licenses.
Article 6
High technical products, samples for dissembling and testing imported
by the enterprises shall be released free of duty by the Customs against
the approval documents of the verifying department. These samples and
sampling machines shall not be transferred for other usage or for sale.
Article 7
While applying for duty-exemption, the enterprise shall fill in the
application forms for duty- exemption in triplicate and submit to the
Customs together with the copy of import contract. After the examination
of the forms, the Customs shall stamp the duty-exemption stamp on the
forms and kept 1 copy for record, give 1 copy to the owner of the goods
and post 1 copy to the Customs establishment at the place of importation
of the goods to fulfill the import duty- exemption procedures.
Article 8
Goods produced by enterprises their own shall be exempted from export
duties, except those subject to the State export restriction or otherwise
provided. Export products from places outside the Development Zones or
exported on behalf of others outside the Zones, for which the material
processing of value added less than 20%, shall also be subject to duty-
payment according to the regulations.
Article 9
Instruments and equipment imported by an enterprise with
duty-exemption shall be used only for that enterprise, and shall neither
be transported out of the Development Zones, nor be transferred, sold,
rented, taken for other uses without the Customs authorization and the
Customs procedures fulfilled.
Article 10
Bonded goods mentioned in Article 4 of these Regulations, while
transferred for home usage, shall be approved by the former verifying
department and with the Customs permission, and those subject to the
import license control shall be provided with import license to the
Article 11
Enterprises in the Development Zones enjoying import and export
preferential treatment shall set up special account books for goods
enjoying duty- exemption and duty-reduction. The Customs shall be entitled
to examine and read the account books and relevant documents.
Article 12
Import and export goods entering or leaving the Customs territories
at places other than the Development Zones shall be dealt with as transit
goods according to the related regulation.
Article 13
Regulations of the People's Republic of China Governing the Customs
Supervising Fees on Import Goods Granted with Duty Reduction or Exemption
and the Bonded Goods shall also be applicable to the goods granted with
duty reduction or exemption and bonded goods in the Development Zones.
Article 14
Development Zones Located in the Special Economic Zones, Opening
Coastal Cities and Economic and Technological Development Zones shall also
enjoy the preferential policies of the special areas besides these
Regulations. Foreign-invested enterprises in the Development Zones shall
also be dealt with in accordance with the regulations of the
foreign-invested enterprises besides these Regulations.
Article 15
Activities in violation of these Regulations shall be dealt with in
accordance with the Customs Law of the People's Republic of China and
other related regulations.
Article 16
These Regulations shall be explained by the Customs General
Article 17
These Regulations shall enter into force from October 1, 1991.

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国家统计局办公室 人事部办公厅印发《关于贯彻〈助理统计师资格考试暂行规定〉若干问题的意见》的通知

国家统计局办公室 等

国家统计局办公室 人事部办公厅印发《关于贯彻〈助理统计师资格考试暂行规定〉若干问题的意见》的通知




北京市财政局 北京市监察局 等

北京市财政局 北京市监察局 等


财综字〔1999〕87号 一九九九年十月十四日


第一章 总则
第一条 为加强行政事业性收费和罚没收入“收支两条线”管理,根据国家有关法律、法规的规定,制定本规定。
第二条 具有执收执罚职能的单位(以下称“执收执罚单位”)根据国家法律、法规和规章收取的行政事业性收费(基金,下同)和罚没收入,属于财政性资金,均应实行财政“收支两条线”管理。即,上述行政事业性收费和罚没收入按财政部门规定全额上缴国库或预算外资金财政专

第二章 帐户的开设及资金的收缴
第三条 执收执罚单位预算外资金帐户的开设与管理应符合国家有关规定。凡需开设预算外资金收入汇缴专用存款帐户和支出专用存款帐户的,须经财政部门批准,并持人民银行核发的《开户许可证》。收入汇缴专用存款帐户和支出专用存款帐户必须按规定用途使用,收支款项应符合
第四条 执收执罚单位的预算外资金有关专用存款帐户,由本单位财务机构负责统一开设和管理。
第五条 执收执罚单位应将收取的行政事业性收费和罚没收入,按规定及时、足额缴入国库或预算外资金财政专户。
第六条 凡经国务院或财政部会同有关部门批准设立的政府性基金、省级以上人民政府及所属财政、计划(物价)部门批准的行政事业性收费,有上解下拨关系的,应实行上下级预算外资金财政专户结算的管理办法。
第七条 财政部门负责同级执收执罚单位预算外资金有关专用存款帐户开设的管理和行政事业性收费、罚没收入的监缴工作。财政部驻各地财政监察专员办事机构负责对中央驻本地区单位行政事业性收费和罚没收入的监缴工作。
第八条 各级财政部门应建立健全行政事业性收费、罚没收入缴库制度和预算外资金财政专户收支管理制度,堵塞漏洞,强化财政监管职能。同时,要增强服务观念,及时审核办理有关帐户开设、变更、撤销及有关款项的拨付工作。

第三章 票据的使用和管理
第九条 执收执罚单位应严格遵守国家有关行政事业性收费和罚没款票据的管理规定。执收执罚单位应凭价格主管部门颁发的《收费许可证》收费,同时必须使用中央或省级财政部门统一印(监)制的票据。任何部门、单位和个人不得使用自制票据或其他非法票据。
第十条 财政部门要做好有关收费、罚没款票据的印(监)制、发放和监管工作,建立和完善票据管理稽查制度。

第四章 征收、处罚与款项的管理
第十一条 对行政事业性收费和罚没款实行票款分离和罚缴分离的管理制度。
第十二条 执收执罚单位的其他罚没财物管理,要严格按照国家有关规定执行。

第五章 财务核算管理体制和收支预决算管理
第十三条 执收执罚单位的财务应建立适应于统一核算、统一管理要求的内部财务会计核算体系和制度。不得脱离本单位财务会计核算主体和统一核算制度,另行建立有关行政事业性收费和罚没款收支核算体系。
第十四条 执收执罚单位应将财政预算专项核拨资金和预算外资金财政专户核拨资金纳入单位财务统一核算和管理。对不按规定纳入单位财务统一核算和管理的,财政部门应停止其资金核拨。
第十五条 执收执罚单位应按规定编制年度预算外资金收支计划和单位财务收支计划,并报同级财政部门审批。财政部门要按照预算内外资金结合使用原则和“零基预算”的要求,结合行政事业性收费上缴国库和预算外资金财政专户情况,统一审核执收执罚单位年度经费预算,行政事

第六章 支出管理
第十六条 执收执罚单位应按照国家规定及财政部门批准的预算外资金收支计划和财务收支计划,对财政核拨的资金切实加强管理,严格按照规定的开支范围、开支标准使用,并在财务报表中如实反映。

第七章 监督与检查
第十七条 各级财政部门要切实加强对“收支两条线”工作的管理,建立经常性的监督检查制度,及时发现并纠正执收执罚部门在“收支两条线”管理中存在的问题。各级审计机关也要结合审计工作加强监督。对检查中发现的违法违纪问题,要依法依纪严肃处理。

第八章 附则
第十八条 各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府,国务院各部门、各直属机构,可根据本规定制定具体实施办法,并报财政部备案。
第十九条 本规定自发布之日起实行。
第二十条 本规定由财政部负责解释。
